Postgresql The world's most advanced open source database

Why Postgresql ?
1. PostgreSQL isn’t just relational, it’s object-relational. This gives it some advantages over other open source SQL databases like MySQL, MariaDB and Firebird.
2. A fundamental characteristic of an object-relational database is support for user- defined objects and their behaviors including data types, functions, operators, domains and indexes. Complex data structures can be created, stored and retrieved.
3. PostgreSQL provides for storing different network address types. The CIDR (Classless Internet Domain Routing) data type follows the convention for IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses
4. Because PostgreSQL is an object-relational database, arrays of values can be stored for most of the existing data types. Do this by appending square brackets to the data type specification for the column or by using the ARRAY expression MySQL, MariaDB, and Firebird do not have this capability.
5. PostgreSQL has long supported a variety of geometric data types such as points, lines, circles, and polygons. The PATH data type is one of these. A path consists of multiple points in a sequence and can be open .
6. PostgreSQL’s JSON support lets you go schema-less in a SQL database.
7. The JSON data type enforces valid JSON which allows you to then make use of the specialized JSON operators and functions built into PostgreSQL for querying and manipulating the data. Also available is the JSONB type – a binary form of JSON
8. If PostgreSQL’s extensive list of existing data types wasn’t enough, you can use the CREATE TYPE command to create new data types as composite, enumerated, range and base.